Not content to simply be the World’s Greatest Mom or Dad anymore? Ever tried your hand at worm charming? Bog snorkeling? Cow chip throwing? Surely you’ve hollered, or lied, or napped in your day, and you’ve even gurned, whether you know it or not.
These wackiest of annual title bouts are open to all comers, so start practicing now, and maybe you too can be an international champion. After all, someone has to be.
World Champion Cow Chip Throw
April | Beaver, OK
Part of Oklahoma’s annual Cimarron Territory Celebration since 1970, the Cow Chip Throw has put Beaver on the map as the global headquarters of dried bovine dung hurling.
Rules: Select your two favorite dried cow chips from the official wagon and, one at a time, launch them (as is; no poo altering allowed). The farthest distance counts as your score.
Who can enter: Anyone age 16 or older. There’s a men’s open, a women’s open, a special VIP division, and even a team competition.
Read the full article here.